Yoga Treatments in Rishikesh

Yoga is a natural way to treat many diseases, health and mental problems. Many healthcare practitioners are using yoga therapy or yogic techniques in their approach to healing. People who have never tried yoga before are starting to consider including Yoga in their treatment plan – such as mental and emotional problems, such as stress, anxiety, or depression. Yoga can be used to correct anybody poses, breathing problems, difficulty in concentration or loss of energy.

As science begins to document the importance of understanding the interrelation of all existing things, it looks to Yoga with an intrigued eye, for Yoga speaks Unity in every word.

It is important to educate the general public about Yoga therapy’s benefits and careful use. Rishikesh Ayurveda is a Yoga retreat centre by Vardan Foundation. It gives you a unique opportunity with tremendous antiquity to connect with your mind and body which is very important for the healing process.

4 Poses of yoga Core

  • Ayurvedic Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Dhyan Yoga
  • Mantra Yoga
  • Nada Yoga
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Yoga Nidra

The main objective of our Rishikesh Yoga treatments centre is to spread the ancient knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda to achieve the ultimate goal of life and enable all-n-sundry to lead a life, full of high values and peace.

The Rishikesh Yoga treatments centre retreats offer an approach towards our inner journey to experience life to its fullest potential. The teachings and spiritual processes are offered during the sessions have the traditional value and help connect one with one’s roots.

Yoga is a science of living consciously, where one can feel that he is not merely a frozen sculpture, but that He has the ability to think. Once you are connected with the source of life, you feel everything around and inside you become joyful and blissful without any reason. Yoga is a science to unfold all the inner and hidden potential of a human being. It’s an interesting journey to experience you, rather than to be told.

Yoga Treatments